The useful life of a Timken bearing depends to a great extent on the proper lubrication of the bearing. Timken轴承的使用寿命在很大程度上取决于轴承上使用可靠合理的润滑油。
This paper introduces the gist of proper operations and maintenances of paver according to the characteristics of centralized lubrication system. 通过对摊铺机集中润滑系统性能特点的分析,介绍了正确使用和维护要点。
Cleaning is essential to preventive maintenance because it allows one to inspect for proper lubrication, wear factors, proper adjustments and malfunctions. 清洗对于经常性维修保养是必不可少的,因为清洗的同时可以让人们检验到润滑情况、磨损因素、调试精确度和设备故障。
Failure to correctly lubricate and maintain proper lubrication may result in bearing damage which could cause the wheel to lock and possibly come off during operation. 一旦加油和维护发生问题,可能会使轴承受到损害,最终导致轮轴锁死或者在运行过程中的脱落。
Proper lubrication protects the bearings and makes the movement smooth. 正确的的润滑油会保护这些轴承,也使运动光滑。
Failure to maintain proper lubrication can result in equipment failure, creating a risk of serious bodily harm. 不合理的润滑维护会导致设备发生故障,甚至使整个设备增加了整体损坏的危险因素。
Ensure lubricators contain lubricant or downstream components may not receive proper lubrication and fail prematurely. 确保润滑剂含有润滑剂或下游组件可能无法得到适当的润滑和失败过早。
The importance of proper lubrication can not be overemphasized. 应当特别强调适当进行润滑的重要性。
The paper studies the effect of blank initial shape and lubrication on stamping formability through the numerical simulation of a large complex panel part stamping process, and obtains the proper blank initial shape and lubrication condition. 通过对一个大型复杂冲压件成形过程进行数值模拟,研究了坯料初始形状与润滑状况对板料成形性的影响,并从中得出了合理的毛坯初始形状和润滑条件。
According to the experimental results, the appropriate radius of the round corner of concave-convex die and the proper conditions of friction and lubrication can greatly decrease the fraction probability of ( AZ31) magnesium alloy sheets with thermal deep-drawing process, and are beneficial to their deep-drawing process. 实验结果表明:合适的凸凹模圆角半径与有利的摩擦润滑条件可以大大减少AZ31镁合金板热拉深成形过程中发生破裂的可能性,有利于其拉深成形的顺利进行。
Quantity of lubricating oil, viscosity of lubricating oil, oil-air pressure and speed of ball bearing were measured. The proper parameters of oil-air lubrication for ball bearing were determined. 测试了油气润滑供油量、润滑油粘度、油气压力和转速对被试轴承温升的影响,确定了高速滚动轴承合理的油气润滑参数。
Proper operating and maintenance of the lubrication and cooling system of R180 diesel engine can markedly prolong its useful life, and enhance its working efficiency. 正确地使用和维护R180柴油机润滑和冷却系统可以大大延长柴油机的使用寿命,提高工作效率。
Selecting multigrade engine oil of proper viscosity and quality grade can meet the lubrication requirements of engines under normal conditions. 在发动机工况正常的情况下,选用粘度适宜、质量符合要求的多级发动机油,完全可以满足发动机的正常润滑。
The proper selection of gear lubrication oil has an important function to reduce the wear of the gears and to prolong the gear set's life. 正确选用齿轮润滑油对于减少齿轮磨损、延长机组寿命具有重要的作用。